How MATOS Works

Getting Started
New researchers and collaborators in the ACT Network and users of the MATOS portal must first create an account here and agree to the user agreement. Accounts will be approved by the data manager.

MATOS allows acoustic telemetry researchers to create a project page with details about their telemetry project such as project title and description, species of interest, and project duration. When establishing a project, ACT Network members set permissions for who can access project information. For example, a researcher from a university may include a collaborator from a state fisheries agency on their project, which would allow that fisheries agent to access project data.

Uploading Data
After a project is created, individuals can upload 3 types of data and metadata: transmitter (aka “tag”) deployment data, receiver deployment data, and tag detection data. Deployment data are uploaded through an Excel spreadsheet with a standardized format that is compatible with the Ocean Tracking Network standard metadata practices. Standardized metadata templates can be downloaded from the “Submit Data” page. Tag detection data are uploaded as raw .vrl files to ensure accuracy.

For researchers using gliders and mobile surveys, mission metadata are uploaded through an Excel standardized template available for download from the “Submit Data” page.

Downloading Data
Array owners and tag owners will each receive summaries aka “detection extracts” on their matched array and/or tag detections. Matched detections will be available for download by all project users granted download permissions following each scheduled data push.