UMCES-NYSDEC Hudson Striped Bass Spawning
Project Title:
MATOS Project Code:
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Project Description:
- Evaluate seasonal coastal migration for spawners from two spawning regions of the Hudson River
- Measure in-river loss rates of tagged spawners during the period of intensive recreational harvest
- Test for spawning site fidelity between spawning regions
- Estimate spawning frequency and straying rates
- Evaluate movement behaviors associated with spawning migrations
Principal Investigator: | Dave Secor (University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science) |
Email: | |
Point of Contact: | Mike O'Brien |
Email: | |
- Amanda Higgs (NYS DEC)
- Jessica Best (NYS DEC)
Participating Organizations:
- University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory
- New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
- Hudson River Foundation