RIDEM DMF Coastal Shark Tagging Study

Project Title:
MATOS Project Code:
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Project Description:
  1. Where applicable, use movement data to inform public safety measures
  2. Improve scientific understanding of coastal shark ecology in Southern New England
Principal Investigator:  Tara Plee (Mid - Atlantic Acoustic Telemetry Observation System)
Email: Tara.Plee@dem.ri.gov
    Point of Contact:  Tara Plee
    Email: Tara.Plee@dem.ri.gov
      1. Conor McManus (NOAA NEFSC)
      2. Pat Brown (RI DEM DMF)
      3. Jon Dodd (ASI)
      Participating Organizations:
      1. Atlantic Shark Institute
      2. RI DEM Division of Marine Fisheries