Hudson River Shortnose Population Estimate

Project Title:
MATOS Project Code:
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Project Description:
  1. determine proportion of spawning adults that utilize the primary overwintering
  2. determine rates immigration/emigration within the primary overwintering area
  3. develop multi-year quantitative population estimates for shortnose sturgeon
Principal Investigator:  Pat Sullivan (Cornell University)
    Point of Contact:  Rich Pendleton (NYSDEC/Cornell University)
      1. Rich Pendleton (NYSDEC/Cornell)
      2. Amanda Higgs (NYSDEC/Cornell)
      3. Dewayne Fox (Delaware State University)
      4. John Madsen (University of Delaware)
      5. Dave Kazyak (USGS)
      6. Pat Sullivan (Cornell)
      Participating Organizations:
      1. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
      2. Cornell University
      3. Delaware State University
      4. University of Delaware
      5. USGS
      1. Hudson River Foundation
      2. NYSDEC Hudson River Estuary Program