USGS Conte and USFWS

Project Title:
MATOS Project Code:
Data Type:
Project Duration:
Project Description:
  1. examine movements relative to sex, date of tagging, water temperature, and other factors
  2. determine occupancy duration in habitat areas and any factors that influence subsequent movement
  3. between year one and year two, is there fidelity to any spawning area sites
  4. determine rates of movement and factors of influence for downstream migration
  5. describe extent if any to which fish move among habitat types (coves, tributaries, mainstem)
  6. determine rates of movement on upstream migration and factors of influence
  7. determine habitat use cove, tributary, mainstem
Principal Investigator:  Theodore Castro-Santos (USGS Conte Research Laboratory)
    Point of Contact:  Ken Sprankle
      1. Connecticut River Atlantic Salmon Commission
      2. CT DEEP
      Participating Organizations:
      1. Connecticut River Atlantic Salmon Commission
      2. Connecticut Department of Energy and Environment
      1. USFWS and USGS