VDWR- Blue Catfish

Project Title:
MATOS Project Code:
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Project Description:
  1. Evaluate behavioral response to low frequency electrofishing
  2. Evaluate transboundary movements and spillover from commercially unexploited areas
  3. Identify spawning, overwintering, and summer aggregation areas
  4. Identify spatiotemporal patterns of Blue Catfish movement and distribution and drivers of pattern
Management Benefits:
  1. Increased operational efficiency of commercial LFEF fishery
  2. Assessment of targeted removals as management strategy
Principal Investigator:  Margaret Whitmore (Mid - Atlantic Acoustic Telemetry Observation System)
Email: margaret.whitmore@dwr.virginia.gov
    Point of Contact:  Margaret Whitmore
    Email: margaret.whitmore@dwr.virginia.gov
      Participating Organizations:
      1. Virginia Commonwealth University