UNH - Coastal New England MBON - Atlantic cod

Project Title:
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Project Description:
Principal Investigator:  Nathan Furey (University of New Hampshire)
Email: Nathan.Furey@unh.edu
    Point of Contact:  Nathan Furey
    Email: Nathan.Furey@unh.edu
      1. Graham Sherwood (GMRI)
      2. Jackie Motyka (NERACOOS)
      3. Riley Young-Morse (GMRI)
      4. Elizabeth Craig (UNH)
      5. Alison Watts (UNH)
      Participating Organizations:
      1. Gulf of Maine Research Institute
      2. NERACOOS
      1. Office of Naval Research
      2. NOPP
      3. Marine Biodiversity Observation Network
      4. NOAA