CT River - River Herring Study

Project Title:
MATOS Project Code:
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Project Description:
  1. and 8) compare commercial fishing activity to marine movements in space and time
  2. 7) compare and contrast movements, timing in all habitats (in river and marine) between the two spp.
  3. 6) Determine adult repeat spawners and their subsequent movements in 2025 and any fidelity
  4. 5) Describe post spawn movements for fish that reach Long Island Sound and marine movements
  5. 4) Describe the timing, duration, and conclusion of the spawning migration;
  6. 3) Determine use of main stem habitat versus cove and tributary habitats
  7. 2) Determine factors (environmental, biological) that influence migration and movements;
  8. 1) Determine rates, timing and extent of upstream, residency and downstream movements
Management Benefits:
  1. Improve understanding of post spawn and marine movements
  2. Improve understanding of spawning migration and movements in a large river system
Principal Investigator:  Ted Castro-Santos (Mid - Atlantic Acoustic Telemetry Observation System)
Email: tcastrosantos@usgs.gov
    Point of Contact:  Ken Sprankle
    Email: Ken_sprankle@fws.gov
      Participating Organizations:
      1. U.S.F.W.S. Connecticut River Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office
      2. U.S.G.S. Conte Anadromous Fish Research Center
      3. Connecticut Department of Energy and Environment Protection - Fisheries Division
      1. USFWS
      2. USGS
      3. CTDEEP