RI DMF Summer Flounder Movement

Project Title:
MATOS Project Code:
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Project Description:
  1. Understand summer flounder movements in Rhode Island state waters
Principal Investigator:  Conor McManus (Mid - Atlantic Acoustic Telemetry Observation System)
Email: conor.mcmanus@dem.ri.gov
    Point of Contact:  Conor McManus
    Email: conor.mcmanus@dem.ri.gov
      1. Corinne Truesdale (RIDEM DMF)
      2. Rich Balouskus (RIDEM DMF)
      3. Chris Parkins (RIDEM DMF)
      Participating Organizations:
      1. RI Department of Environmental Management
      2. RI Party and Charter Boat Association
      3. RI Saltwater Anglers Association
      1. Rhode Island Sea Grant