Mid-Atlantic MBON

Project Title:
MATOS Project Code:
Data Type:
Project Duration:
Project Description:
  1. Develop habitat suitability models to inform decision-making
  2. Integrate acoustic telemetry with eDNA, soundscape, oceanographic, and remote sensing data
  3. Document biodiversity along a transect that includes the Maryland Wind Energy Area
Management Benefits:
  1. Provide dynamic biodiversity information at monthly or shorter timescales
Principal Investigator:  Matthew Ogburn (Mid - Atlantic Acoustic Telemetry Observation System)
Email: ogburnm@si.edu
    Point of Contact:  Matthew Ogburn
    Email: ogburnm@si.edu
      1. Bethany Brodbeck (University of Delaware)
      2. Caroline Tribble (University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science)
      3. Kelly Knee (RPS, a TetraTech Company)
      4. Hugh Roarty (Rutgers University)
      5. Helen Bailey (Blue Wave Consulting)
      6. Beth Bowers (Smithsonian Environmental Research Center)
      7. Mike O'Brien (University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science)
      8. David Secor (University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science)
      9. Aaron Carlisle (University of Delaware)
      10. Gerhard Kuska (MARACOOS)
      Participating Organizations:
      1. RPS, a TetraTech Company
      2. Rutgers University
      3. Blue Wave Consulting
      4. University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
      5. University of Delaware
      6. MARACOOS
      1. National Ocean Partnership Program Marine Life Program